Jul 2022Jan 2023Jul 2023Jan 2024Jul 2024Jan 20250.0010.0050.
Risk LevelsRisk level 0.0-0.1Risk level 0.1-0.2Risk level 0.2-0.3Risk level 0.3-0.4Risk level 0.4-0.5Risk level 0.5-0.6Risk level 0.6-0.7Risk level 0.7-0.8Risk level 0.8-0.9Risk level 0.9-1.0Regression LineFuture Regression LinePeak Regression Line (2 std dev above)Future Peak Regression LineBottom Regression Line (1 std dev below)Future Bottom Regression LineOP Close PriceOP Price with Risk Levels and Regression LinesDatePrice (USD)

This plot shows the OP price (in USD) on a logarithmic scale, with colors representing normalized risk levels.

The risk is calculated as the difference between the closing price and the regression line, normalized by dividing by the maximum distance observed. The normalized risk values range from 0 (lowest risk) to 1 (highest risk).

Risk is lowest when the price is below the regression line, and highest when above it.

The risk levels in the table are determined based on the proportional distance between the peak and bottom regression lines. A risk level of 0 represents a price below the bottom regression line by 10%, while a risk level of 1 represents a price above the peak regression line by 20%.

Risk Level Price (USD)
0.0 $2.17
0.05 $4.80
0.1 $7.43
0.15 $10.07
0.2 $12.70
0.25 $15.33
0.3 $17.96
0.35 $20.60
0.4 $23.23
0.45 $25.86
0.5 $28.49
0.55 $31.13
0.6 $33.76
0.65 $36.39
0.7 $39.02
0.75 $41.66
0.8 $44.29
0.85 $46.92
0.9 $49.55
0.95 $52.19
1.0 $54.82